01 Stretches - Box splits
02 Stretches - Butterfly stretch
03 Stretches - Calf stretch
04 Stretches - Cat cow
05 Stretches - Child's pose in to extension
06 Stretches - Deep lunge forwards
07 Stretches - Deep lunge sideways
08 Stretches - Downward facing dog
09 Stretches - Flat back stretch in 4th position
10 Stretches - Flat back tabletop stretch
11 Stretches - Flat back tilted stretch
12 Stretches - Foot stretch
13 Stretches - Frog stretch
14 Stretches - Hip stretch
15 Stretches - Jazz splits
16 Stretches - Lying glute stretch
17 Stretches - Lying quadriceps stretch
18 Stretches - Pigeon stretch
19 Stretches - Seated folded stretch
20 Stretches - Seated stretch in 2nd position
21 Stretches - Shoulder and triceps stretch
22 Stretches - Shouldering the leg
23 Stretches - Side stretches
24 Stretches - Spine loosening with bent knees